Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB


So this is what they mean by self medication, more like self harming to me.  "Just stick one of these into your body every day" they said.  

The last time I saw anyone do that was in the derelict Boilermakers Club in Hartlepool.  We'd just bought the building for factory extensions and my project manager and I wandered in to inspect the dark shell only to be confronted by many pairs of startled faces with white eyes staring back.  Sitting in their squalid filth around a glowing fire they took no notice and continued their injecting and sniffing and awful existence.  I was quite disturbed to see for myself the way they lived.  Sad.

 Anyway, I digress - I took a deep breath, a gently pressed the white plunger on my plastic progger.  As if by magic it slid effortlessly into my roly-poly parts and discharged whatever and then 'hey presto' it withdrew itself and sealed itself off.  I dread to think what this complicated piece of high tech harming costs but it was worth every penny, I never felt a thing.

Bad start to today I'm afraid.  Hallucinatory sleep and not a lot of it.  BP through the roof!  Pain bad.  As Snapper said the other day 'one step forward, two steps back'.  (If only I could do that.)  

On lighter note you'd have wet yourself seeing me learn to use my new walking sticks!  Like a new born foal, I teetered, wobbled, stumbled, cursed,  staggered and zig-zagged (and of course squealed at the self inflicted pain).  My physio Atilla the Limb bellowed instructions, "Don't look at your feet", "right leg - left stick", "right stick - left leg, "I SAID LOOK UP"...  At the same time she had her hand down the back of my shorts holding on to my grundies.  She said it was for support but I suspected otherwise.  A passing nurse smiled and commented that in that position it was best I did what I was told.  I said, "yes" in a falsetto voice.

Ah, I feeling better already.  Sharing my pain is good therapy, I just hope you never go there!

In other news, 1700 Friday: - BP 137/75  HR88  Looking good, feeling great

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