Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB


First may I apologise for my shortage of comments this week. I've not been well y'know.  And secondly sincere thanks for all the kind wishes, many from Blip lurkers who popped in and many more from regular followers.  Over 400 views, 50+ stars and 100 comments over two days is overwhelming. Again thank you all.

Blipping has become an important focus point for what have been some grey days lately. Unfortunately subjects are few and far between. I'm at home now and the choice was a pic of the TV, a Christmas tree, slippers, magazines I've read from cover to cover, coffee table or the debris around my sofa. You're getting that one ;-)

Here you see my 'one careful owner' walking sticks and my BP monitor. The most important tools in my life at the moment. I have to admit that every day is getting better and although the exercises are excruciatingly painful they get easier and angles and pressure points all show day by day improvements. So I guess I'm a happy bunny. I just have to keep reminding myself.

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