Teacher No.2

There are some real idiots out there (but more of that later).

It was Squirrel's Activity Nativity today.
She was Teacher No.2.
When were there ever 4 teachers in it?
It was late in starting - the idiot headmistress was blaming mobile phones for interfering with the PA system (they never have before) but I am not sure how that was happening when they had us all outside waiting for 20 minutes while they tried to get it sorted.
The idiot headmistress also informed the whole audience that the head of the nursery dept was expecting (she wasn't going to make it public until next week!).
She also told us we could take pictures of our own kids/charges - but could not put them on (anti)social media ......... Yeah! - Right!
However - back to the kids .......... They have a rather undisciplined group of kids in the nursery this year  ---  the sheep that had to be dragged off the stage for making trouble, the shepherd who did his best to remove Joseph's head with his crook in a very violent manner (mind you, Joseph really didn't want to be a father judging by his very surly manner and behaviour), the other shepherd who was trying to kick the teachers script of the stage and tried to stomp on her hand when she put it on the pages.
The poor Angel needed the loo just before it was her time to shine and when she came back the teacher had put her costume on back to front so if she had tried to lift the top point into place she would have been inside the costume.

I am glad to say that Squirrel delivered her lines clearly and correctly bang on each cue - although her sense of rhythm was a bit off .... and I have no idea what caused the look in the extra shot. 

While I was out walking the dog at lunchtime I saw the local idiot who takes bird pictures (so he says). He 'stalks' them in a bright red coat and is always surprised when they fly off before he manages to get a shot.
I passed him later talking to a dog walker and a member of our camera club who refused to even say 'Hello' to me. I will be generous and call her an idiot so as not to do the morons a disservice (her reason for falling into the category are too long and complex to go into here).
So while they were failing to get any pictures I took some more pictures of emerging big purple mushrooms ............... and some ducks.

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