Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


Steph's someone I've known for several years now, in my last couple of jobs. In fact we once sat only feet away from each other in a big, open plan, office which our respective organisations shared with various other Third Sector groups. We still work on different floors in the same building but, sadly, we won't do for much longer as Steph's job is coming to an end this month. Another heart-breaking casualty of 'The Cuts'...

It infuriates me that people as skilled, committed and hard-working as Steph are being 'let go' whilst the people who got us into this mess just carry on making further disastrous decisions which seem to impact on everybody's lives except their own... Grrrrr!!

I hope she finds another job really soon - Liverpool needs people with her skills, drive and vision. And so does my own organisation, which is why I'm delighted that over a cup of tea and a piece of cake this afternoon she agreed to join our board of trustees. I know she's going to be a real asset to us!

If my memory serves me well, I recall that not only is Steph a big fan of all things Dr Who-related but she also has a bit of a thing for the Manic Street Preachers. So, with the festive season upon us, it seems only appropriate to ask the Manic's frontman, James Dean Bradfield, to entertain us with one of rock's more unlikely, but winning, cover versions...

(I couldn't decide which picture of Steph to post, so I've added another one as an Extra!)

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