Drying off

A Monday much like other Mondays in the inpatient unit. A number of new admissions to see. Patients returning from being on leave and not having a bed due to the number of new admissions. Resulting in discharge, even when the person no longer wants to go home just yet; or the treatment team (community) recommend a longer stay.

But today was one of the better days, where a young man whose rapid response to lithium has been such that in the seven days since re-diagnosing the problem and starting definitive treatment, he has reached a stage of feeling and thinking that he says he hasn't experienced in many years. He has gone home thanking us for a great treatment experience. Makes the job meaningful.

I took a break at lunch time (didn't bring a cut lunch today), and took a bought sandwich to sit near the edge of Lake Pupuke. Spotted a Kawaupaka (Little Pied Shag) in the water nearby. It flew away, circled around with a fellow kawaupaka, and then came back to perch in a nearby tree right on the edge of the lake. Where it proceeded to get a blow dry. Despite imperfect resolution, I like this photo.

When I got back to the unit, I got a text from S about our Prime Minister's resignation. Many staff already knew! Only needs one looking at media sites instead of typing notes, and the information spreads like wildfire. Mr Key says it is because of family/personal reasons. Many of us suspect that his wife has got fed up with the way his laddish behaviour (and the similar of their son) has impacted on his wife. If he were not PM, nobody would have been interested in his pony tail pulling; or his son's crass behaviour. Not excusing it, but understanding his wife's wish (if it is this that has driven his decision) to get out of the spotlight; even though most of the time the NZ media are sycophantic, and rarely challenge or criticise.

Which leads me to reflect on the need for we true liberals (not the bizarrely named neoliberals, whose only claim to liberal thought is that society should not expect those that can, to contribute more; that is, liberate the wealthy from any sense of moral responsibility for the welfare of others) to take action.

When I was young, the maxim "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" (Karl Marx), was central to my development, even though I would never call myself a Marxist. Although this is often seen as being purely about money, or wealth, I have long seen it more broadly. I have an ability (en passant alluded to above) to help some people. Many more people than I can see have needs. Within my ability (less as I age) I believe that I have a duty (which I embrace) to offer my ability, while I still can. 

This is what human society is about. Community. Co-operation. Collaboration. Caring. 

That is why the election of Donald Trump can engender despair. From despair about his election (and all the similar disastrous developments of recent months/years), we must move to determination. Determination to challenge those beliefs, the consequent actions, the apparent wish to destroy community; because community will prevail if it unites. We cannot mock Mr Trump out of office. We may be able to modify his actions (and those of similar) by demanding, politely, that he explain how what he proposes will achieve what he says it is for. We can ensure that these "leaders" are never followed by like minded persons; but only if we engage the community in linking with each other and creating a true community; a community which crosses every boundary man in his short sightedness has imposed. (I note that it is generally men who define and then fight over boundaries.)

Blipfoto has crossed every boundary for me in my six years within this worldwide community of caring and thoughtful people.

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