
Katie's B was in a concert tonight. She'd invited katie to watch the rehearsal, knowing the concert was late. But it clashed with her own rehearsal so i said we could surprise her and go for the first half. Katie was excited to see her and even more so as B was playing her contrabassoon. When we arrived we went to wave hello quickly & B ran over very delighted and gave her a massive hug. Katie's two band teachers were playing too which pleased her. She couldn't see B during the concert but listened so carefully to try hear her!

Before the concert, we had a busy day. I took all the girls to a snowman and the snowdog themed family morning in the Minster. It was delightful! I had to drag them away to get to class. They did just a bit of their class, learning exam work, before they went to rehearsal. There was much excitement as it was the first time they've seen or danced inside the theatre. They were running late but all came out absolutely full of it having been given their exam results. My tiny ballerina, who had croup at the time of the exam, came top and got a high distinction (92!) so she was delighted with herself- but was also very respectful of her friends. That means as much to me. I don't care what she gets, just that she tries her best and enjoys it. But I'm delighted for her!

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