
... everything look better with a Christmas tree behind it?! Even "yet another Katie doing music" photos! 

Very festive day today. They made advent paper chains in Sunday school, she had "children's band" practice after church - though I say that, it was "the two Katie's duet" practice today! Her and big Katie were the only two that showed up. From church we went to school for the Christmas fair. She lunched on a hot turkey roll and won two bundles of chocolate on the chocolate tombola. We bought a couple of little things and listened to the choir for a while. When we got home we finished making a Christmas wreath that I started last night. I have never done one before and am really pleased. It's from branches of the tree that I had to remove and has lavender, wedding dress lace, pearls, buttons, tiny rabbit buttons and more. Handmade yet still mixed in with the traditional beads and ribbons of a "normal" wreath! We put the lights on the tree, though haven't decorated it as now our lounge is decorated, lots of last year's style doesn't work anymore. We've also put the piano lights on then watched Miracle on 34th Street. A good festivey, fun Sunday! 

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