Bougainvillea + bottle

Today baby brain has been spanish has been awful, my english has been one point I even had to ask Danny why I was laughing. 
This afternoon Asha and I made dangly garlands with the dried orange slices, cinnamon sticks, and a peg star at the bottom - love how proud Asha is of our work! She was meant to go to her art class tonight, but put herself to bed at 6pm!!!! She must still be shattered from last week...
Also, an aside, 10 out of the 16 kids in her class stayed home yesterday because it was raining!!!!! See, rain in Ibiza is like snow in England!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A cup of tea date with Danny this morning at the lovely tea shop...we drank a tea made of local flowers & herbs. 
2) Claire's thoughtfulness, bringing these blipped flowers for Asha because she knows she likes them.
3) Homemade fun & crafts. 

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