
Asha finally went back to school today...we got her in just before the heavens opened! In Ibiza people don't go out if it rains, in fact, we know loads of kids who don't even go to school! A bit like Britain in the snow - everything grinds to a halt! 
So an imposed morning in, doing lots of clearing & sorting of paperwork...and editing of photos from Saturday's party. 
Then later Asha & I began some Christmas preparations, drying orange slices in the oven...making these peg star/snowflakes...much fun!
And Danny went out and saw Tchani!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The scent of oranges filling the flat.
2) Beginning the day quietly, with coffee & croissant, and the sound of pouring rain.
3) Time with Asha creating was lovely to sit making things together - plus a quick dash out to buy a mini glue gun!

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