
I set off on my long run before 6am this morning (I keep waking up super early without even setting an alarm - must be the afternoon naps!). My run was going really well until approximately mile 11 when I took a wrong turn and ended up at the far side of the naturist camp which had a huge fence between me and it. The fence plunged down into the sea and at one point I thought about swimming but I had my phone with me (which is a good job as I turned the roaming on so I could contact my husband and tell him not to worry - I knew where I was and where I had to get to but I just couldn't get there!). I started walking along the fence, away from the sea, into the dense Croatian woodland but couldn't find a way over or through the fence. By this point I'd run out of water and over two hours had passed so I was starting to get very frustrated. I turned around and headed back towards the sea as the fence was a little bit lower so I knew I had no choice but to scale the fence. However by this time the naturists had started to emerge for their breakfast and one lady in particular was very grumpy with me as she must have thought that I was up to know good. I said a cheerful "Guten Morgan" as I managed to climb over the fence and jump down without breaking a leg and then I scarpered as fast as I could! I was out for three hours in the end and it was getting hot but I was so relieved to get home!
We spent a long time at the swimming pool, had a late lunch and a rest before we headed into the local town of Porec in the early evening. After a wander and explore we found 'Nomo' which is apparently the best pizza place in Porec and so we stuffed ourselves - it was so good! Unbelievably none of us could finish so they boxed it up for us for lunch tomorrow which made Olivia very happy as tomorrow is a special day. 

Once home and the kids were asleep we set to decorating our lovely holiday home with bunting , balloons and 'Happy Birthday' banners. I get so excited for their birthdays so there'll be no running for me tomorrow morning in case I get lost and miss my gorgeous daughter waking up on her birthday!

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