

Light reflected on a window from a street lamp on a cool dark evening.
Colours from a living, breathing, growing plant upon a window sill.

I won't spoil the moment by saying it had to be one of two blips.
One being this... a rather hazy begonia.
The other being a bottle of Bacardi. Also hazy.

I said I wasn't going to say that!

Let's face it... there's only so much an iPhone can do in a limited light source, late at night.
What do you expect!

This plant was brought to you by Aldi, only £2.99
Well, it was brought (and bought) by me actually.
And it won't stop growing and flowering, being over 2 foot wide now.

It loves my window-sill.
Which is just over 4 foot wide, so we're ok for a bit yet.
I think.

Other plants are available from other leading supermarkets, but I like this one!

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