Extremes of Emotion

Yesterday merited several blips; it contained so many days...

Have chosen this one from breakfast, our last meal in Trapiá, even though I've posted our old table before - but it was the moment thickest with emotion for us. Neto, our old friend, came from Fortaleza, spent the night  (then brought us to Natal), and here he's singing some of the new songs he's written since we were last here, mostly inspired by this place - so moving, so encouraging, so what music should be...

Then, the 3hr+ trip to Natal, a feijoada at Eloá's 9th floor mansion (view from one of her windows in extra), seeing everyone at Igreja Viva, and dinner at an extremely posh new restaurant with our old doctor and his wife, our old dentist. I had a mini-crisis trying to choose from the extensive menu - that morning I had been with people literally going hungry... the extremes of wealth in Brazil never were easy to cope with.

I will catch up with blipping, but now we're off to see the super lua...

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