Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Do you want a piece of me (sandwich)?

Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse today.

We started out at the farm, saw chickens and their new chicks, pigs and piglets, cows, goats, turkeys, horses and sheep. Rebecca squealed everytime she saw and animal. There was a trailer ride round the farm, so we did that too.

We found a shaded spot for our picnic, where Rebecca tried to eat everything but her own food! She ended up with my whole pear, and munched on that to the amazement of passersby.

Next up was the Adventure Playgound. I los Elizabeth within 5 minutes, after she followed a crowd up to a further away level of the park. Then she shocked me by going down a huge, steep slide. After grabbing our things (and Rebecca) to go and find her, I eventually found her three quarters of the way up a hill, clinging on for dear life. She had nowhere to go up and it was too steep for her to climb down. She was fine though, carried on playing as if nothing had happened.

At 1.30pm we went to school, for a Victorian school lesson. The teacher had us doing exercises, maths and geography. Elizabeth joined in the the 5 times table.

We wandered around the rest of the museum for the last part of the day and finished up with an ice cream.

Rebecca was asleep within seconds of putting her in the car. Both were asleep early (for them) this evening!

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