Last of the leaves…

Last night’s frost brought down the last of the Horse Chestnut leaves this morning. This one was soaking up the sunshine on the roof of the car, which looks like it could do with a wash!

A beautiful, sunny day but a frustrating, wasted day, I even had to give up a ticket to go to a book talk at the theatre in Bath! The whole day has been spent making phone calls, trying to get to the bottom of the worrying matter that cropped up yesterday. (If you want a very abbreviated version of the day’s gory details, read on…)

Spoke to the Police who were unable to help me as I’d suffered no financial loss. Even though my personal details had been used fraudulently, as no “dishonest gain” was involved, it was not a criminal matter. I was left to pursue the matter myself. Many phone calls later, a conversation was had between a certain party and the ex-pupil concerned, who claimed that it must have been an admin error as he had never heard of me, a fact I find impossible to believe as I taught him all day and every day for three years in a row! Plus he still says hello to me when we meet in the street!! I was told that it had been “impressed upon *** the seriousness of the situation and the impact it can have so hopefully it has been food for thought.” But that is of little comfort to me as I know that he has lied to the person concerned in saying that he doesn’t know me. What I’m now concerned about is has he used my personal details in other situations, of which I am not aware?  All very worrying, especially as he lives only two streets from me; really hoping there are no repercussions from this… Now where’s that bottle of wine?!!

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