Be reet*

This is one of the village farmers. He has lived here all his life, apparently. I say 'apparently', as he is so broad Cumbria that I can’t tell a word he is saying. Gordon talks to him sometimes and can just about make him out – well mostly. He was one of the people Julia Bradbury ‘just happened to come across’ when they were filming the programme on the walk to High Cup Nick. It was interesting that he was there with another guy and it was the latter who did all the talking. We assumed it was carefully edited because the producers had no idea what he was saying! He's a great guy though. 

It’s been a dismal reading of the paper today – so much analysis and speculation - Trump wins. Now the world waits - was the front page of the Guardian. I remember 8 years ago they used the whole front page with just one word “Wow!” We framed the page and had it on the wall for a long time. It was a wonderful, positive, hopeful moment and felt like a step forward for mankind. I think one could safely say this moment has been the total opposite. Be reet – I fear it may not! 
*be reet – it’ll be all right

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