
By schlimm

Tiny snail

The children found this tiny snail in the garden, the finger belongs to a 5 year old. Amazing how small snails are at the beginning of their life. Probably quite a delicacy for a bird.

Managed to get some boring work out of the way, not nice though when you see the problems of others reflected in accounts.

I finally managed to dye three t-shirts but also managed to forget some washing in the machine, we now have three odd socks that are very black as well as somebody else's t-shirt and leggings that are quite nice in black but were never intended to be that colour. O dear! It happens. I hope the machine is ok, it still looked quite black on some edges to me so here's hoping that none of the next washes go grey...

When I talk about my holidays I have so far only mentioned the traumatic and difficult bits. We actually also had good fun with my friends, the weather was nice and warm, the house wonderful and I got to see a friend from new York as well as meet up with my cousin whom I hadn't seen for about 10 years. So there were very good bits too!

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