Manchester Apollo

I first went to the Manchester Apollo sometime between March and June of 1988. I know this because those are dates for David Sylvian's 'In Praise of Shamans' tour, and my friend, Bob, and I travelled across from Liverpool, where we were at university, to see the concert. 

To be honest, I can't remember too much about it. I know we were sat up in the circle, around to the left as you look at it from the stage. I do recall that I was (naively) disappointed that Mark Isham didn't adhere to the flugelhorn solo in 'Orpheus' as it was played on the album. 

The bit I remember most clearly is the start of 'Gone to Earth', where the other band members stood in a respectful circle around David Torn as he improvised his guitar part - based, I guess, loosely on Robert Fripp's - for the opening of the song. It was actually the moment I fell in love with it.

Tonight, the Minx and I were back at the Apollo with some friends to see Christine and the Queens. I first heard her album when one of my colleagues played it in the office and I went on to buy it and play two or three tracks on the radio show. The Minx then saw her at Glastonbury (or maybe Latitude) and was very excited about seeing her play again.

And I must say the show was very good. Héloïse Letissier's singing and dancing were amazing, as were her band and dancers. The sound was great and, really, there was no reason for me not to enjoy it. But, weirdly, I didn't. I'm really not sure what was missing and I did hang on for half a dozen songs waiting for something to 'click' but in the end, I went back to the pub 'round the corner, which was, unsurprisingly, empty. (I've only ever seen it packed, before gigs.)

But the Minx and our friends had a great time and I think that, judging by the buzz outside the venue afterwards, most of the other people who attended did, too. I wish, of course, that I'd enjoyed it more and I half wish I'd stayed, anyway, but maybe, ironically, part of the magic of music is that sometimes the spells don't work.

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