And relax...

So, we had a minor cock up over our gig schedule; Julia Holter is on the 15th and not the 5th. But we already had the hotel booked for the Friday and Saturday nights, and decided to leave it that way. Which, after Christine and the Queens, last night, gave the Minx and I a completely free day in Manchester, today.

We started with breakfast at Gorilla, which was amazing and highly recommended, before starting what was supposed to be a daylong mooch around the city. Except it was surprisingly cold. So we made an earlier than anticipated pitstop in Corbieres for a glass of wine before venturing back out into the cold to buy hats and a scarf. 

Those purchases successfully made, we set up camp in Annies, where we met up with Hannah, whom you can see modelling one of my new hats in today's photo. After some scones and fizz, she set off to meet a friend for a firework display, while we walked around to the Printworks for a quick cocktail and a film (Tom Cruise's latest Jack Reacher film: perfectly trashy and just right for a lazy Saturday afternoon/evening.)

And we rounded off our day at the Indian Tiffin Room, where we had Indian cocktails (fantastic) and what amounted to Indian tapas. It was, all in all, the most splendidly relaxing day.

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