Another pump

We seem to be on the pump trail again.
After a very dry year, the water table is low earlier so We're on it. Well not we but they as I won't get there until early September.
This is one of the many broken pumps we find on our travels. Installed by others and abandoned, the story of Africa's water solution.
We believe out pump is more or less unique, thanks to the years of work by Richard Cansdale.
We manufacture it in Mzuzu and install most of them to ensure quality control.
It's low cost and sustainable.
If it fails , which it rarely does, we have trained village women to fix it, with three nails and parts we have leave with them.
Our plan is that out pump works every minute of every day for 20 years. If the village women can't fix it we guarantee to replace it. The old one is then almost fully recyclable.
Does any other organisation do this?

Maybe another 200 villagers with clean, safe drinking water tonight.
They will have recorded all the pump details including GPS, but I don't have them yet

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