Pretty Colours

Day 12

Long Shorts and Long Socks

Well.......that is the ?uniform? of Bermuda.

A beautiful place.
Not a single island but in fact 138 - many joined together by roads/causeways....much like the Florida Keys.

Bermuda is in fact closer to Nova Scotia (840 miles) than to Florida (1100 miles) and its closest landfall is North Carolina (640 miles).
That doesn?t stop it being very lush and sub tropical.

Cruise ships are not allowed to arrive or leave outwith the hours of daylight due to the channel through the reefs being very narrow so we were able to watch both the sunrise and the sunset as we entered and left the port.

To get to the capital from the port you can use taxi (expensive) ferry (15 minutes) or bus (1 hour).
We went by bus so that we could see more of the country.
It is like driving through a rainbow...........not just the lush vegitation but the housing. The colours are wonderful. If you were to paint your house bright pink or lime green in Britain the housing depts. Would come down on you like a ton of bricks. In Bermuda it is the norm.

The only let down I came across is that it is an expensive place as everything has to be shipped in (and it has a very high gross national product per head of capita - the highest in the world in 2005).

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