The Ice Man Cometh

Day 9

A very quiet day at sea although it has been going up and down a bit more than it has up until now.

But it is a very big bit of water and is probably entitled to show us who is boss.

One of the chefs was given about 20-25 minutes to carve a damn great lump of ice into a couple of leaping fish.......most impressive but didn?t come out very well in he photos (too much light to give any detailing).

The chefs also do some damn fine carving of watermelons and pictures in seeds, rice etc to make the food areas look even more impressive than they are.
And the ?Steakhouse? (which is one where you have to pay for meals) is very, very fancy. It has a buffet starter section which has 30 different dishes to pick from ....... and the best of the watermelon carvings.

SWMBO and I had a good laugh at her sister who - despite the up and down/side to side motion - managed to sleep though all of the feature film in the afternoon. The woman could sleep through a nuclear attack.

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