
Day 08

Another night when the clocks went back so it meant waking earlier than expected.

Still - it meant I had had my breakfast and had time for it to settle before heading off for my Hot Rock Massage.
My God some of those rocks are hot ........ especially the ones that got stuck between my toes.

Most of the day was spent lounging on the balcony just watching the waves and tryibg to work out the hydrodynamics of wave motion.
I am putting my lack of success down to the heat (84.9 was the highest I saw).

I was getting worried when I saw one of the bridge crew out using a sextant.
Doesn?t their sat-nav work?
Turns out it was just ?practice?.

There was an announcement over the tannoy today reminding people not to throw things over the side...........?Especially the contents of the ice bucket - Val ..... you know who you are?

Yesterday Val (one of our party) emptied her ice bucket off the balcony - forgetting that the decks below were wider resulting in the poor bloke quietly minding his own business, reading his book on the deck below getting an ice cold shower.
The resulting riotous outbursts and laughter attracted the attention of the bridge crew (The bridge being right next to Vals? cabin).

I have no idea who requested the Captain to put out the tannoy message........but I do know SWMBO was seen talking to him a short time earlier.

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