Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Morning Moon

I saw this moon when I was looking out of the kitchen window whilst making the pot of tea this morning.

I decided to try getting a shot of the moon which did not take in the houses, trees and garden that I could also see.

This meant a long lens.....which also meant a tripod.

I put my sons 1.4 convertor on the camera, followed by my 500mm mirror lens - this gives the equivilant of a lens of just over 1 metre on a 35mm camera.

This length of lens means it has to be held very securely or the image jiggles.

My tripod and head were in the boot of the car and it was too inconvenient to go and get it so I could put the head on my HEAVY tripod...............so I used my sons tripod (good but not build out of scaffolding poles like my Benbo).

You can't breath on this set up or it jiggles so you need a remote release of some kind.

It doesn't make for a quick and snappy shot but it does make for a challenge.

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