A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Party party!!

There was a party...

17 10/11year old girls

- decorating a business card sized piece of paper (pictured)
- sock mania (1min to pair as many socks as you can)
- dress to impress (1min to wear as many layers as possible)
- pin the catch-phrase on the Friends' character
- Memory game
- tag balloon pass game
- dancing, cheerleading routines and a lot of being upside down

And tea. With Danish pastries and obviously Emoji cupcakes.

The picture above was printed and laminated with the individual art piece.

And then me and Anna headed to a friends' house for yet more birthday celebrations and a marvellous curry dinner and a lot of putting the world to rights.

Not a great day for Jackson and we missed him at everything. It is a hard time of year but it just makes us more determined to do all we can to sort things out for him.

And in the meantime balance out the celebration in the world.

Lesley x

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