Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I can feel things slipping a bit. Time to take some action.

Met S. tonight for a couple of hours after work. Really lovely, very funny. But sometimes when you get asked the question "so how are you?" it makes you think. I realised that I was in danger of getting to the point of losing it it again - and I don't mean that in a dramatic way, just the opposite. My experience - or rather my learning - last summer was about not letting myself get to the point where things unravelled. So I know what I have to do.

Anyway poor old TSM did not have such an easy day with Dylan who did a lot of incontinent dribbling and made it difficult to relax. Hopefully can have a better day tomorrow. Otherwise all is okay. Had a very nice pub meal with S. Looking forward to seeing an old friend tomorrow. Just need to listen to my own messages ...


Four years ago Felix Baumgartner jumped from a very high place ...

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