Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

When Saturday Comes ...

... you go for a slightly boozy cocktail lunch with an old mate, eat too much Mexican food, then go back and scoff biscuits and drink tea in the company of cats whilst it pours with rain outside. Good way to spend a day after a busy week. Just as well I went to the gym this morning ... We reminisced about old holidays taken together and discussed the meaning of life.

We were up at 6am with Dylan - can't remember the last time I had a lie in. Not been bad today.  Took his collar off so he could have a good wash. At least it gave us a chance to talk over an early morning brew.

I wore a pair of my new pants this morning. These caused some interest at work; people are always nosy about each other's Amazon deliveries and the sight of a well put together male torso in a pair of Jockeys (I'm talking box illustrations here, not me modelling) made for some ribaldry. They were very comfortable until I had occasion to go to the loo later and found that  a label I had missed on them had got stuck - well lets just say on me, in (predictably) the most sensitive part of my anatomy. Pulling it off was rather painful, but amusingly when I read it the label said "there are no harmful substances in this product". 

Good to know I'm non toxic.

Postscript: Watched "Youth" with Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel tonight. 


Very ponderous film but beautifully photographed; we watched it on the big screen and it was just gorgeous. I thought Paul Dano was good but I really rate him; he brings something to every film he makes. Couldn't quite get what it was trying to say - on one level it was existentially cynical (we all die, no matter how famous or amazing we are); on another level redemptive (Rachel Weisz gets to swing on a mountainside and conquer her poor self esteem whilst her dad performs before the Queen); on yet another level we are all driven by desire, and that limits the potential for apotheosis (witness the great composer at the age of eighty transfixed by a naked Miss Universe); and cows have bells and Tibetan monks really can levitate. Oh and Hitler lives and can still be scary over breakfast. 

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