Grand Junction, Colorado

At least I think that's where I am.  I met Rob at the Denver airport this morning and we've been driving all day.  I got very little sleep before I left Washington so I was beyond tired when we got here and in no condition to deal with the usual computer-doesn't-want-to-work problems, so I went to bed.  Nine hours of sleep does wonders and apparently the computer agrees because now it's working (it's really Tuesday morning).

My blip was taken just outside of Grand Junction from the car and is not the best representation of this part of the journey but it'll have to do for today. This is stunningly beautiful country -- it just takes your breath  away.  There is a spectacular scene in every direction.  There was also a storm brewing which added a lot of sky drama.  

My Extra is for Deb (Life's Little Moments) in honor of the 72 monarch butterflies she raised and released.  On the flight from Seattle to Denver I took a picture of a page in the Alaska Airline's in-flight magazine which accompanied an article about the Seattle designer who is working on new uniforms for airline personnel.  Now I can't remember her name.  Anyway, her monarch butterfly dress was apparently quite a sensation and I immediately thought of Deb when I saw it.  

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