A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Butter wouldn't melt

Actually I think she looks a little haughty. This was pre the first of our 6 week obedience classes started. The class itself was a slightly different story, though actually better than expected. Well given that it was a new place and new people and 7 other dogs...

I am not entirely without hope.

So a slightly mixed night, partly because hospitals don't seem to see the need for curtains and despite having 7 million eye masks at home I failed to take any with me. J struggled a little too, and of course taking bloods every two hours isn't entirely conducive to a restful night. But he did settle eventually and barely stirred for the 4am and 6am ones. And most importantly all the tests got done and we can move on to the next stage.

A predictably quiet day which involved an afternoon nap and a surprising amount of work.

Lesley x

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