A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Take your pick

Turns out everyone likes the Oreo ice-cream bette than my attempts to reduce the household sugar intake with alternative treats. Actually I don't think something as high level as Oreo ice-cream would be needed in this game of Treat Top Trumps. The view from the troops was pretty unanimous. Ungrateful wretches. I quite liked them which is good as now I will be eating all 18 of them. But I will not be defeated and they have been warned there are further experiments on the way.

Apart from that I seem to have had a largely good old fashioned work day. Which joyously all worked out really well despite my stupid brain having a stupid anxiety dream. Still, I shall bring a smile to many a face I know when I tell you that the horrendous thing that happened in my dream that had me sitting bolt upright in bed in the middle of the night with palpitations was that it was Christmas Eve and I had completely forgotten to do anything for Christmas - no decorations, no presents, no food, nothing. Not to worry though as when I told Anna she reassured me that she would "never let that happen". So that's a relief.

Anna had her insane Tuesday which sees her out of the house for almost 11hours and goes something like this:
8am - playground leader training (I'm not making it up)
9am - school
3.15pm - science course at local secondary school
4.45pm - tap
5.30pm - ballet
6.30pm - home and collapse.

Sometime around 8.30pm perk up and declare herself not really tired enough for sleep. Yeah, right.

J has had another day of steady progress: a walk, some reading, some online interaction and a loud and exuberant game of FIFA15 with Carl.

The ship feels steady today.

Lesley x

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