A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Blue skies and perseverance

It has been a long day and I am exhausted. But I am happy to report as we settle down for the evening that all is quiet and calm and I think we can safely say the hospital visit is going to be a success. And I am even happier to report that it turns out that it all may turn out to have been for the best as we have found a new doctor. She is a she and she is Greek. But apart from that she gives a very good impression of House. She is the first Dr who has listened to Carl's madcap ideas, asked to see his research, wanted to know all the details of the last 20 months that we thought were important and wants to share Carl's hypothesis and research with a leading specialist on the topic once J's results are through. It may come to nothing but it feels like we may have an ally.

Sweet dreams folks.

Lesley x

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