A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Think about your happy place

You are spared the only other picture I took today which was the whiteboard during the school curriculum evening where they tell us what they are going to teach the kids this year. Anna is in Y6 so I took a picture of her SATs papers. Much to her disappointment, not the actual ones but an outline of what and when. One crazy* parent asked the teachers if the tests would have any impact on the children or whether they were just for the school. Lead balloon anyone?

There was an enormous amount of nonsense spoken, mostly hidden behind jargon and mostly prefaced with "as research shows..." As far as I can tell the only really good news is that Long Division is back in fashion and chunking has bitten the dust which at least means I may once again be able to contribute to maths' homework.

Otherwise there was a very good but exhausting webinar with a very lovely organisation. My first with them where I didn't have a fever. I wonder if they noticed?

And a lot of prep for J as tomorrow sees us returning for another overnight hospital stay for the 24hr test thing that we failed at in July. This time tomorrow we will know if all our planning efforts have paid off.

And to start it all off there was a very lovely dog walk along the river with an unbelievably well behaved dog and coffee with a friend who I used to see daily at the school gate and we have now worked out we will need to make an effort to ever see each other again! This was a glimpse I caught as I turned a corner and it rather appealed.

Seriously knocks the SATs schedule into a cocked hat.

And for the record...Anna's day was good, netball was good, ballet was good and tap was good. So that's all good then.

Lesley x

*first kid to do Y6

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