Tangled webs.

I've spent the last few days fighting fires not of my making, doing work that squarely belongs to others. I put the finishing touches to it yesterday - but today I had to explain that I'm only prepared to present what I've written, not what I've been asked to do on Thursday.  Im happy to speak for me and my expertise, I'm not prepared to speak on behalf of others, it's been a long day making that understood.
Having shifted the political nonsense off my desk I then (finally) got a chance to work on the presentation that delegates have paid to come and see me give - I think it's fairly ground breaking for our industry, I hope I still have some enthusiasm left come Friday (I will!)
It's rare I need to specifically go looking for a blip, but today was mostly wet and horrid and I was mostly sat in the mancave - so in a clear spell mid afternoon I had a prowl round the garden and found this fine Garden Spider.

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