Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Who Would Have Known?

After a day that seemed to go on and on.....we arrived home late afternoon. Typically, we begin the unpacking process of the camper, but Son, Daughter, and I all agreed we were too tuckered to even open the camper door!

Since it was so late in the day, I was concerned about gettin' ma Blip!

I walked to the end of the driveway where I had seen butterflies playfully dipping and diving about, but they must have known I was coming with the camera and all hid!

I was so tired.....I did manage to cart my cameras out of the camper, but when I went out, the Nikon, with its big telephoto lens felt so heavy, I placed it back in the bag and opted for the tiny, lightweight Canon!

In perusing my options for a subject, my eyes fell upon some Bachelor's Buttons. These are one of my very favorite flowers! I started firing and then I would enlarge the photo to check focus.

What I found was incredible! (at least to me!) Each Bachelor's Button was remarkable and no two looked the same! My photo was cropped a great deal just to get it....I need a macro lens...

Who would have known there was a party going on inside a Bachelor's Button?

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