Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood


Over on the east side of our driveway, Husband and Son marked out a spot where they hope to put up a small building to house our snowmobiles. It will mean the removal of a few trees but living in the woods, losing a few trees isn't too painful. In fact, one smallish maple looks like it has a problem anyway.

Husband had some groundwork done a couple of years ago where he hopes to put that building. We had to fill in a small ditch that ran under our driveway. It was one of those "mixed emotions" decisions....

When our kids were little, the seasonal runoff made a pleasant little stream that worked its way down the hill, through the large culvert buried under the driveway, and along our front yard. The kids played there for hours and hours, building little dams and splashing about in the water. Such memories.....

Well, all that water now runs along a new trench near our eastern property line. It flows out to the road and we no longer need to deal with it. It really was a pain, as every spring, all manner of leaves and muck would stream through the course and plug a smaller culvert lower down our property. I don't miss standing in icy cold water with a rake and shovel, clearing the path once again!

When we filled in the banks where the water ran, the dozer covered up all the beautiful Jewelweed that grew in the moist environment along the bed. I think my biggest regret of all was seeing that Jewelweed being eliminated.

Jewelweed is a natural antidote for poison ivy. Folks make a "brew" with water and the Jewelweed and rub it on the areas that made contact with poison ivy. It also happens to be a pretty plant and more than once, I actually saw hummingbirds stopping by for a little refreshment in the plant.

So I was surprised when we arrived from our adventure to find one single Jewelweed plant growing along the driveway....I will certainly have to tell Son to be careful not to whack that when he weedwhacks!

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