
By mrsc48

Good day in Prague

Well, another fun filled action packed day in Prague.

Gosh where to start.

We got up early, early by our standards anyway and set off to the castle, in an attempt to avoid the crowds. We had breakfast in the square then a taxi to the castle. Obviously its all up hill (castles weren't usually built on the flat!) So a taxi the answer. We arrived and there was a queue. The taxi driver took us to another entrance where there was not as much queue! But there was.

We looked around a while, waved randomly at the queue then sort of joined the queue with not too far to go. We talked about loosing our friends but would catch them up inside! Yes, we jumped the queue! Not that we are proud of what we did, but it worked so we were soon in.

Security is very high so everyone is scanned over before entry. Once in we needd to purchase our tickets. Whilst we were studying the price list this lady pushed on front of us and then held the queue up for ages. Well, this was out of order, she queue jumped!

We went round the castle, which like everything else in Prague is fantastic. We got the 'B' group ticket so could only go in some parts of the castle, this cathedral being one of them. It was a beautiful cathedral, however, very touristy, there was no where to pray and it just felt it was commercialised and not much spiritual energy at all. I lit a candle for my missing loved ones and said a little prayer before we moved on. Everything is so fantastic, the architecture and everything. The only problem we had was with the toilet attendant, as we didn't have 10czk we couldn't use the loo! We now have change for a hundred visits to the bathroom!

The castle took a while, we then went to Wenceslas square. Another lovely time, we found the king himself and took photos. We had a burger for lunch in a japanese place. It was a good restaraunt. You can tell good ones because they don't charge for the loo!

We had a potter and a wander, a beer or two then took the 1hour trip on a bus around the city. More beautiful sites to see and all good.

We spent time in the spa, you know where the beautful people hang around in only towels! It was ok but enjoyed my nice hot bath better in my room. But no worries it was an experience.

Night time arrived, we went to the skycloud 9
Bar at the Hilton hotel. What a hotel that was! Spectacular, we had our evening meal there which was lovely and then ventured into the casino which was not lovely. It seemed very dingy and seedy although I'm sure it wasn't, I was out of my comfort zone, it wasn't like Glasgow.

So we left and went back to the square where the clock is. Its lovely at night but still dongs a dong short in my eyes, 14 dongs at 3pm and 22 dongs at 11pm. We watched the crowds and noisy hen parties then back to our hotel with a lovely G&T to finish our night.

Another good day in Prague.

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