Hanworth Common cattle

I thought id get up early today. I didn't! So got in at 8.30 with a plan of what I wanted to do. I managed some of it, but got frustrated anyway with the speed the time was going. Every afternoon I feel like all I do is index my post, without actually managing to do any of it. The positive is that I didn't have a headache.

I had a short lunch break, and left just before 5. Then I realised my phone was still on my desk, so had to go back! Took a relaxed walk back to the bus stop by the castle and caught the next bus.

Not done anything much since I got in. Jon and the children went to the gym. I went around my garden pulling bits of weed out for the chicks. They would love to be out in the garden, but would decimate it in no time if they were.

Mollie made a nice chicken korma as she has had the day off. I finished off a poem I had written in bits, then sat and watched GBBO. That's it.

I took this photo on my way in, at about 7.20 this morning on Hanworth common. I always slow right down, but couldn't resist stopping for this little chap who started to come over! Lovely living in the countryside!

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