
By pensionspoet

'New' Wheels

Ok, so it's 24 years young, but new to us! Transport is so expensive, but we hope this will suit Jon for work. An ex RAF Land Rover so we are banking on it having been looked after. The best part is that I get his car! Windows that open, yaay!!! Just need to try and sell mine....

So hard to get up this morning. After a busy weekend, it isn't getting any easier, that 6 o'clock alarm. This morning I had to remind Henry to get up twice - the second time was 6.55 and he has to be out the door at 7.15!

After a relatively quiet (for me) work day, and a rainy lunchtime where I chose to stay in with my Melba toasts and baby bel, I left at 4.30 in the pouring rain. On the bus i made a long list of jobs I need to do.

Once home, it made a change for Jon to be there and tea already in the pot! I cooked dinner and then sorted out my summer clothes to put back in the loft. After the swap, the winter things are now in a pile on the landing. They will probably still be there this time next week!

I made a few earrings from the new charms I bought last week. I'm going to send a few to my friend in Cheshunt who is hosting a tea party for Macmillan at the weekend, and I can't get there this year due to distance and other commitments. They always raise loads for this worthy cause, so I hope my small contribution to their raffle might help.

Tomorrow I will get back to my fimo and make holly earrings, then update friends who have shown an interest. For those of you waiting, I'm off to buy some of those puffy post bags tomorrow and then I'll be in touch.

So that's my day. Now Doc Martin & an early night.

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