Leaning tower of Vienna

This reminded me of the leaning tower of Pisa. They are a couple of other wonky looking buildings along the river.

We arrived in Vienna much later than we had hoped after sitting on the plane at Luton for 2& 1/2 hours waiting for a slot. I think we missed our original slot because they tried to board a deportee who didn't want to go. He was yelling and screaming and four security guards were trying to calm him down. He sounded so desperate. It was horrible. It went on for about 15 mins and he wouldn't calm down so the captain came out and asked them to take him off. I was pretty relieved as the thought of someone kicking off when we were in the air was not appealing. They loaded him back onto a minibus but it sat there for ages and they didn't close the doors so we thought they may try again with him but they didn't thank goodness and eventually drove off. So that and a combination of fog and french air traffic controller strikes meant we didn't leave for 2 and a half hours after boarding the plane. We were sooooo bored and uncomfortable.

It was annoying because we had got up at 3am to get our flight and should have arrived late morning. We'd planned to dump our bags and head straight out to explore but by the time we had some food and checked in at the hotel, we were limited by what was still open.

We did go to Hundertwasser which was created by an artist out of recycled bits and pieces. Reminded us a bit of the rock gardens at Chandigarh. Had a very average apple strudel and coffee in an outdoor cafe. Caught a tram to explore a bit more but then both just felt so tired we grabbed some snacks and headed back to hotel. Face timed the kids. Missing them so so much. While we were waiting for it to connect on the iPad I had a lovely chat with Eva on the phone and she told me all about her day.

Fast asleep by 9.30pm!!

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