Skiddaw and Keswick in late afternoon sunshine

A good stroll from our accommodation into Keswick and back mainly for the walk but also to pick up butter, parsley, crackers and newspapers. Meanwhile Doreen readied herself for the day.

A trip around Derwentwater on the launch, short stroll by the lakeshore, a potter in Hope Park with tea and excellent scones at the Hope Park Cafe.

The day was completed with a browse around the Keswick shops which pleased Doreen no end.

The weather improved during the day, with a fine afternoon as you can tell from this ageless shot from Crow Park looking North East to Keswick and the mighty Skiddaw. We've been up it, but it's not for us this week.

Back to the cottage for a fish tea with a glass or two of wine and the Last Night of the Proms.

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