Don't judge me...

...I was desperate! I had to entertain the kids whilst Thea was with a doctor...Mac Donald's was not only close to the medical centre, but it has a covered play area (a very good thing in this sun and heat!)... Contemplated blipping something else and not confessing to the golden arches, then realised I had no other photos!
Thea continues to get a bit better, but her recovery will be slow and long. I'm hoping her Mom might fly over from Denmark as there's only so much I can do, especially with school starting next week. Made her some lunch and cleaned up her kitchen then headed home. Asha's thought this last week has been brilliant, so much time with Rudy!

Tonight we had the absolute treat of seeing one of Danny's old uni mates - he took us for a gorgeous dinner & Asha fell a little bit in love with him...she'd not seen him since she was a baby. He's one of D's friends i've always had a soft spot for...his nickname for me is 'Nan' due to me being a cold morsel, often wrapped in blankets! No chance of that this summer! Then an extra treat on the way home, a lovely long chat with John...all his art on the sales tonight, but so good to stand and natter together.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) An afternoon nap.
2) Brent's generosity.
3) Our family WhatsApp group - some hilarious photos whizzing round tonight!

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