Riders on the Storm

Love the intro to that track...riders on the storm...the dramatic clouds (that didn't bring rain) reminded me of it. 
Good news is, the shower's fixed! Asha was very pleased to help Danny and John - ie; pass things! So good to see John again and hear about how things have been for him...he's been homeless in Granada for much of the time since we last saw him...had ALL his things nicked, including passport. It's taken him 2 years to get another! He was our first homeless friend when we moved here, and because of him we met other guys who are on the streets. He's an incredible artist and did us a huge drawing of the Old Town for our lounge wall...one of our most prized possessions.
The rest of the day held 12 hours of prayer for Sa Penya, split between a few of us, making a vegetable soup and stewed apples for Thea, cleaning, shopping, visiting Thea and cooking dinner for Rudy. It's been quite full. Good news is Thea had a bit more colour today and managed some soup! 

The oddest thing I saw today was a man strip naked, pose for a few pics for his girlfriend, put his clothes back on and then walk off with her, arm in arm! Interesting holiday snaps! ;-)

Today I'm grateful for;
1) An early morning coffee with Abby and Solomon. Got to make the most of these opportunities.
2) A working shower! 
3) Thea being a bit better each day.

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