Music & much more...

What a day!
Went to Asha's school, her teacher is off ill,but we met the teaching assistant - had 1.5 hours with her chatting about Asha, our questions, their expectations etc etc... Such a lovely atmosphere - all looks a bit shabby, but the plus side is, because noone wants their kids to go there (it's in a Romani Gypsy area), there are only 16 kids in Asha's class - bonus! Quite a few differences from a UK school (I think...), like each day we have to give her a certain snack that school have already told us; Monday any dairy products. Plus we have to buy all Asha's paper & A2 card for them to make folders for her... Anyway, all went well & Asha loved her classroom!

Then this evening I was back at Ibiza Rocks after a 3 week hiatus. Sooooo good to be back & to see everyone!! Just fantastic! Plus the music was pretty fab too - support by this beautiful woman - Lion Babe, then the main man was Mark Ronson. Fabulous. See my extras for more pics!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha having such a lovely school - her gate is next to a huuuge olive tree! Gorgeous!
2) These Wednesday nights at Rocks - only 1 more left of the season!
3) Magda giving me a lift home which meant I avoided the awful discobus!

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