Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jersey Day Five

Our last full day and it was action packed! A visit to town via the bus this morning. A potter around the waterfront, with coffees, pain raisins, and ice creams, including the biggest ice cream ever (top left) while I sat in the sun in Liberation Square and JR popped round a few nearby shops. I find this is an ideal arrangement..

Back home then off for another scenic guided tour to St Brelade's gorgeous beach, with a visit to the ancient (built 1022) wee church (top right) and the Fisherman's Chapel with ancient frescoes. We saw a red squirrel too! On to La Corbière Lighthouse (bottom right) another ice cream - those wee Jersey Ice Cream vans are everywhere...)

Back home for another coffee, then a short hop to La Grève de Lecq (bottom left) which is a tiny wee bay, perfect sand and jagged cliffs. We had fish and chips at the terrific wee cafe on the beach, watching the action on the beach - a girl on a horse, several dogs, even some swimmers. The cafe was mobbed, not surprisingly. What a wee gem - only open on Friday nights.

Archie news: He was out with Anne today, and is now probably snuggled up with Rufus' mum as we speak. He's certainly got his foot in the door there...

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