A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

It's that picture

A very impressive start to term...set her alarm, sandwiches made, dressed and ready for her last primary school photo shoot in record time. Will see how long it lasts before we are dragging her out of her pit.

As always a slightly odd day of adjustment for me. Distractions included a quick coffee with a friend, some German Whist with J and a long economic history discussion about why Japan have dominated the tech and electronics industry for so long. Greatly enhanced by a superb thread on Reddit where two particular contributors interacted with considered, reasoned arguments, acknowledged each other's point of view and ended thanking each other for the debate. As Jackson observed, not what you'd necessarily expect on the Internet. Though of course he doesn't know how lovely we all are here.

This afternoon saw the return of the wonderful Pericles to the fold, fresh from entertaining the elite in The Hamptons. Exciting news may be afoot for him which will mean we definitely have him on borrowed time so we will appreciate his company and energy and imaginative game skills while we can. I even managed to tear myself away from tales and got a decent working session in which is helping me feel less anxious about getting back properly next week.

And at the end of the day Carlos and I somehow had enough creative energy left to come with a potentially most splendid solution to a living room redesign dilemma we were having.

And finally and probably most notably of all Anna came home from school having had a wonderful first day and happily sharing tales of it all.

And so ends weird day.

Lesley x

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