Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jersey Day Three

Another action packed holiday day. Our hosts set off to play golf and racquet ball (lucky them, still with working knees) while JR and I went into town for a browse. The centre is pedestrianised, full of benches to sit on, not a scrap of litter, and everyone was friendly and helpful. Added to that, JR was impressed with the shops, many of which she doesn't see in Edinburgh. Indeed, it was me who ended up with some choice items.

We had a decent coffee sitting outside at a wee cafe/deli, and they served the most delicious macaroons with the coffees. A gelato before the bus home completed the morning.

We then went for a late lunch to the fab cafe on the beach at St Oeun's Bay. What a splendid place - the cafe and the beach. We've been to the beach years ago, in the winter, and it was smashing then too, but today it was soooo hot, with hardly a breath of wind.

While we had our (delicious) lunch all sorts of aeroplanes kept flying low over us from far out to sea, on their way to the airport. There is a air show on tomorrow.

We walked along to the famous wee White House (which can be hired for events, I am told), and as we were walking along, a huge Lancaster Bomber, accompanied by a Spitfire on either wingtip, came towards us, then banked round above us and headed for the airport. I nearly fell off the wall trying to watch them. JR waved to the pilot - she has just been reading a book in which the young girl waves to the bomber pilots setting off during the war.

After all that excitement and unaccustomed shopping, I needed to lie down in the afternoon, but JR and Anne have gone off into town for an invitation only event at de Gruchy, one of the upmarket department stores in town. Bubbly and canapés were mentioned.

Archie is now staying with Rufus and his mum. We've had several photos and messages from him Christine, keeping us up to date with his behaviour. So far so good.

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