A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


It appears you can just hurl yourself into firing a water gun at a dog doing a one-handed cartwheel.

Not the same for me and work. Full on day tomorrow so built up gently with a couple of hours today. You can actually hear my brain cranking up.

That aside, a solo dog walk as Carlos returned to full time working. And some interesting interludes with the kids...including me winning Risk for the first time ever.

I have a slight feeling that my first full day back at work may coincide with a big blip day. I shall go and work on my one handed cartwheel immediately.

Lesley x

EDIT - well on the plus side I am saved the one-handed cartwheel attempt. On the other you are not saved from me making more effort with a celebratory image due to my lack of attention to detail. Oh well, it is at least true to blip and the spirit of my daily(ish) journal.

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