A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Not a cake

I did briefly harbour ambitions of making a blip day thank you cake for stopping by and all the lovely comments. But a) there has been no time for baking, b) I used up all my baking ingredients over the weekend and there has been no time for shopping and c) a virtual cake is just rude. However, should you ever find yourself in the vicinity of W4 let me know and I will make sure there is a slice of real cake for you.

Instead there is a picture of black-bean stuffed mushrooms topped with various cheeses and chipotle chilli flakes. Which we are going to eat watching Bake Off and hopefully stop me from drooling over the television set.

Today has largely been a full-on start to the work season. I am not going to complain about how much work I have as a) I enjoy it and b) it buys nice stuff and c) it is what is known as a nice problem to have for a reason. But I am a tiny bit apprehensive about juggling the freight train which is about to hit.

In between work sessions there has been a game of military rummy with the kids, a dog walk and a game of hearts for us all. It is the basis of a sanity-keeping plan.

Not sure where all the lists came from.

Thanks again for yesterday's blip love-in. It really is a lovely place to hang out.

Lesley x

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