Lazy Hazy Days
We did almost literally nothing today. Horrible weather - so we hibernated on the sofa watching a healthy (?) mix of movies and nature documentaries.
I mucked about a bit with learning about dof - discovering piano keyboards are a pretty useful subject - but didn't really like any of the shots. This (My Funny Valentine - shallow dof not being so helpful with identifying sheet music) is the song I'm happiest playing on the clarinet: I can get all the way through it without making any mistakes and mostly on time too. That said, I didn't practise today. Haven't really been practising much for a while, must make the time to get back to it. I was going to blip the music for 'Round Midnight but it's too hard to play and is embarrassingly covered in crib notes by me and my teacher.
By the way, check out that video ('Round Midnight). Thelonious Monk (composer and pianist) was trained to play the organ, which you can still see if you look at his right foot - he's still playing the organ really! Heaven knows what he was hearing in his head as he played, but it was obviously a lot more than we hear. He's a bit of a hero in this house, despite his chequered life, and I was persuaded that we should name our son after him.
Anyway, that's the shot of the day, specially since Smithski already blipped my dinner.
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