Lovely day out today to a beach recommended by another blipper (though I may have got the wrong beach).
Anyway, it was great. This beach (White Sands, by Barns Ness south east of Dunbar) is tucked in behind the cement works and, but for a headland, would have a lovely view of the nuclear power station. So far so rubbish..... but it's just great: a perfect small arc of white sand, rocks to either side, with fossils that you, quite literally, just trip over, and more types of birds than we could name. There are signboards to explain all the geology, handy when it's a complex as it seems hereabouts.
There are even old lime kilns and a lighthouse for those who are architecturally inclined. With all this, it really wasn't a day of struggling for a blip: I haven't even mentioned yet the crazy, loony surfers out on the big waves - I guess they were just a few million years too late for the tropical climate that was clearly here in Scotland when these fossilised corals were alive and well.
So, on the way out of the car park, with several potential blips in the bag, we were stalked by this crazed owl, who flew in front of our car for a good few minutes. He didn't seem at all freaked out by us and was obviously just looking for a nice tea. We eventually identified him as a short-eared owl, but I'm happy to be corrected by any of our blip birders if that's nonsense.
Not a great shot, since since it was taken through a slightly grubby windscreen, but it was an amazing thing to see.
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