Rocky Road...
...was one of the things I would have been making today had I not been tending to a poorly wee boy all day. Just after I posted yesterday's blip, he had another bout of delirium, and a pretty disturbed night. Poor thing.
He was pretty feverish and subdued most of the day, throwing up most of the liquid we managed to get into him. By this evening he was well enough to keep down a couple of chips (we're hoping the vast quantities of tomato ketchup he sucked off them first will keep him going) and have a little play. And he managed to stay awake through Merlin - which he slept through yesterday. Merlin is so far and away his favourite program at the moment that Saturday is now renamed Merlinday around here. He cried this morning when he discovered he'd slept through it.
Anyway, on another indoor day for me, I'm resorting to one of the rapidly dwindling blipbank shots. Meet Sylvester, the kids' rocking horse. Actually, Mr B's rocking horse from the early 70s. Mr B looked after his toys well and Sylvester is good as new.
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